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Stalin’s Line History And Heritage Museum

Zaslavl, Belarus

The Historical and Cultural Complex Stalin Line was founded to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Soviet People’s Victory in the Great Patriotic War and was opened to the public on 30 January 2005 in memory of the defenders of Minsk.

These unique structures were a part of the defense system created at the beginning of the 1930s along the western border of the Soviet Union. This system is unofficially called the Stalin Line similar to the famous Maginot Line and the Mannerheim Line.

The open-air military museum located in the Minsk fortified zone forms a part of the famous Stalin’s Line built in 1930 along the borders of the USSR stretching from Karelia in the north to the Black Sea coast in the south.

There are authentic pillboxes from the times of the war. It also features all kinds of trenches and antitank ditches, shooting positions, bunkers for soldiers and trenches for guns.

The museum owns Belarus’ biggest exposition of military equipment, aviation and weapons of different years, starting from the times of the Great Patriotic War, a unique collection of gun turrets from the First World War.

Stalin’s Line is an interactive museum: Here you can see the reenactment of historical battles, fire a real weapon from the times of the Great Patriotic War (Mauser, Mosin rifle or Maksim machine-gun), drive a modern armored vehicle and legendary tanks, and taste soldier's porridge.

The museum has the memorial "Maritime Glory of Belarus" that boasts a 300-year-old anchor of the times of Peter the Great and famous amphibious tank PT-76.

Address: Minsk District, near the village of Loshany, 6km away from the town of Zaslavl


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