The residence of Belarusian Santa Claus (Father Frost) is one of the most visited places in Belarus, especially during the winter holidays. It was opened in December 2003 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - the oldest European forest that boasts one of Europe’s biggest populations of bson. During New Year and Christmas holidays the tree was decorated with a record high number of lights. In the forest there are still a lot of beautiful fir trees which are older than 200 years.
Since the estate works year-round you have a chance to see Santa in a lightweight sheepskin coat in the summer. In the winter Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden) comes to visit her Grandfather so they meet and entertain the visitors together.
The entrance to the residence is guarded by two wooden knights – Oakley Oak and and Elmy Elm.
They used to be trees that were damaged during a hurricane.
The residence is 15 hectares big.
Here you can find:
- Father Frost’s House with a throne room
- Snow Maiden’s tower
- Treasury with valuable items – letters, paintings and gifts from children
- Magic Mill that turns bad things into dust and sand
- Meadow of Twelve Months
- New Year tree
- Alley of Chinese astrological signs
- Father Frost’s Hut where visitors can try traditional Belarusian cuisine